
Category: Mindset

Do you find yourself escaping with food?

I know I sure have! I don’t know about you but some feelings just lead me to food. Boredom. Frustration. Stress. Do you ever find yourself overeating when you experience negative emotions? It’s so easy to do!I used to think that something was wrong with me when I experienced negative emotions. I thought that feelings should be good and comfortable all of the time. So when I experienced negative feelings

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Don’t Look to the Past to Define Your Future!

Have you ever heard the term “Future Focus”? As humans we usually look to our past successes and failures to determine our current results. For example, If we lost weight in the past and then gained it back, we probably believe we can lose weight but we will always gain it back.“I’ve always been overweight, that’s just how I am.” We define ourselves and our capabilities by where we have

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How to keep going when you want to quit!

How often do you start things such as a diet or an exercise routine, then after a few weeks, if you aren’t seeing results, you want to quit? It’s so common.  Our primal brain doesn’t like it when we try new things.  It likes us to stay comfortable and exert as little energy as possible.  When you try something new the primal brain will always give you reasons why its

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How often do you get urges to eat?

How many times a day do you get an urge to eat something even though you know you aren’t hungry?  How do you usually respond to those urges?  For me, my most common urges come when I am bored or tired.  I wasn’t always aware that I was having an urge. I just thought I was hungry.  An urge is a desire to eat. It feels “urgent”.  I would usually

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Looking Back and Looking Ahead to the New Year.

How was 2019 for you? In my own life it was definitely a year of growth. I have grown as a wife, a mother and a business owner. I have gained some confidence and worked through lots of fear. I am working on myself to not take things that people say personally (very challenging). To view life and its many challenges with these thoughts “this is the way its supposed

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It’s that time of year for……Cookies.

It’s that time of year when Christmas cookies, candy, and all the treats  show up everywhere you go! And since they are only available at Christmas time, how can you eat just one? The cookies are not the problem. When we eat too many cookies, we think the cookies are the cause (If the cookies weren’t there I wouldn’t eat them). Or that Christmas is the cause (I have to

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How to enjoy the holidays without “overeating”

The holidays are here! For some of us, this time brings some magical experiences and moments. And for others, when it comes to food and body image, it can carry a lot of stress and anxiety when it comes to eating. So how can you enjoy the holidays without overeating? There is a common cycle that many of us choose, which is not eating before a party, so you can

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Why It’s Important To Build Awareness Around Eating

In order to manage your weight, it’s important to become aware of how much food your body really needs to perform the basic functions of life. Here’s a few things I do that have helped me to build awareness around eating: What has worked best for me is basing my food intake on how hungry I feel physically and how full I feel after 20 minutes of eating. It’s so

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Fall Favorites and Catching Up

Hi Friends! Happy Fall! It’s been a summery start to Fall this year. 90 degrees in Cincinnati this week! Honestly, I don’t love the heat but I know that winter is just around the corner. I’m enjoying the fact that I can still wear my flip flops to the grocery store and step outside without a coat on. Life has been a bit crazy but it’s all good! Being in

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How to Change a Habit Around Food

Have you ever tried to change a habit? If so, did you succeed? Habits can be difficult to change, but it’s not impossible! The reason for this is that we have trained our brains to do certain things. Each time you do something, such as eating ice cream after dinner, you are training your brain to expect that ice cream. It’s like a reward for the brain. If you try

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As a Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach  I work with women in midlife and beyond to help them lose weight for the last time, so they can live with more ease and have way less stress around weight, food, and how they look.


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5 Quick Steps to Losing Weight in Menopause!

Download your free guide so you can start losing weight now!


Through my private coaching program, you’ll learn HOW to stop overeating, by learning how to  manage your emotions and your mind. Then you can begin to make better decisions around food once and for all!

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