
How to enjoy the holidays without “overeating”

The holidays are here!

For some of us, this time brings some magical experiences and moments. And for others, when it comes to food and body image, it can carry a lot of stress and anxiety when it comes to eating.

So how can you enjoy the holidays without overeating?

There is a common cycle that many of us choose, which is not eating before a party, so you can eat what you want at the party, only to overeat and feel stuffed. With a result of being mad at yourself for allowing that to happen.

Unfortunately, we may continue to repeat this cycle over and over.

This cycle comes from the belief that the problem is “overeating” and the solution to the problem is going on a diet that restricts your food. The diet makes you feel like you’ve got things under control.

This is all very normal.

I wanted to offer a few practical tips to help you as you head into the holidays this year.

Hopefully these tips, will help you stop the cycle of restricting food and then overeating at a party.

Wouldn’t it be great if you came out on the other side of this season feeling good about your decisions and choices around food?

I believe it’s completely possible to do that!

  1. Instead of restricting food the day of the party, choose to eat some healthy protein and fat before going to the party. Going into a party “starving” is only going to lead to overeating.
  2. Decide ahead of time what you will eat and drink. Make a plan and write down what and how much you will eat at the party. For example, you may choose to eat 4 appetizers, and 2 desserts. (By the way, whatever you decide is perfect.) The important part is deciding ahead of time and following the plan. When you do that, you show up for yourself. You’re making decisions from your “higher brain” instead of following the urges of your primal brain.
  3. Don’t make the party all about the food. Instead of thinking about the food, use it as an opportunity to socialize and visit with the guests that are there.
  4. Stay aware of what you are eating. Enjoy the food. Tune into your hunger and fullness while you are eating. Eat to be satisfied not stuffed.

Remember to enjoy yourself and the people you’re with during the party. Family and friends are much more important than the food! We tend to make the food (and the alcohol) the most important part of any gathering. Decide to focus on the guests and not the food!

If you are struggling this holiday season with overeating, I got you! Coaching is an amazing opportunity to end the battle with yourself and your weight. Wouldn’t it be great to start the new year with a healthy new perspective on dieting and weight loss?

Because I think you’re amazing and I want you to go into the holidays feeling empowered, I’m offering a Free mini-session with me!

A mini-session is a real coaching session where I coach you around whatever you might be needing support with right now. It’s free and there are no strings attached! I promise!

Click on this link and it will take you to my contact page. Let me know you’re interested in a free mini-session and I’ll be in touch very soon to set it up!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Talk soon! xoxo Donna

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As a Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach  I work with women in midlife and beyond to help them lose weight for the last time, so they can live with more ease and have way less stress around weight, food, and how they look.


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Through my private coaching program, you’ll learn HOW to stop overeating, by learning how to  manage your emotions and your mind. Then you can begin to make better decisions around food once and for all!

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