
Looking Back and Looking Ahead to the New Year.

How was 2019 for you?

In my own life it was definitely a year of growth.

I have grown as a wife, a mother and a business owner.

I have gained some confidence and worked through lots of fear.

I am working on myself to not take things that people say personally (very challenging).

To view life and its many challenges with these thoughts “this is the way its supposed to happen” or “this is the part where I get to….”, instead of the becoming overwhelmed and spinning out.

We all are creating results in every area of our life, whether we realize it or not. All of actions create results.

You either gained weight, lost weight or stayed the same.

You either feel better about your life, feel worse or feel the same.

You either have more love in your relationships, less love, or the same amount of love.

Here are some questions you might consider asking yourself to get a look at how 2019 was for you:

Did you grow emotionally or spiritually this year?

Did you learn some new things that you’re excited about?

Do have some goals for 2020? If so, what are they?

I hope you can commit to making 2020 your best year yet!

Life is full of opportunities to either grow or stay stagnant.

And as a human being you get to choose how you want your life to look like! It’s completely up too you!

I look forward to seeing you in 2020!

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As a Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach  I work with women in midlife and beyond to help them lose weight for the last time, so they can live with more ease and have way less stress around weight, food, and how they look.


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