
The Benefits to Working with a Coach

Have you spent years struggling with a health or weight issue on your own?
Are you baffled as to why you can’t seem to make progress around your weight goals?
Do you believe you have no control over your eating?
Or that you don’t have enough willpower?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you’re like most of the women on the planet– always feeling at odds with how much you weigh and how you need to find the diet that will help you nail this loose end once and for all. Right?

It’s an exhausting way to live. And there has probably been many a time where you’ve wished someone would just hand you the answer.

Well, here’s the thing. The answer lies in something you may not have tried before. And that’s having personalized accountability and support that doesn’t help you simply “stick to healthier habits” but helps you heal the root cause of the struggle: your mindset.

Yes, what you think plays a crucial role in not only what you eat, but what you believe to be true about your body. And when you have a partner to help you navigate this challenging terrain– to help you skip over a whole lotta struggle and hit on the core issue, you can change faster.

That’s the power of having a health coach by your side. In fact, studies show that people are much more likely to achieve a goal when they have someone holding them to it.

I myself have seen my own results come to life because of the coaching I have received. With accountability and encouragement, my coach has helped me set goals for myself and my business. And because of the accountability I take action, which has led to positive results that I could not have achieved on my own.

Why does a coach help you reach your goals faster vs. you trying to do it on your own?

A coach has the ability to look objectively at your life, and ask the right questions to help you identify the areas that you want to change or improve.

A coach also helps you see what’s possible for your life beyond what you’ve ever seen before and helps you step into the mindset, the habits, and the beliefs that will make that your new reality!

The best benefit that a coach provides? Space. A non-judgmental space where you can feel listened to, cared for, and begin to increase your own self- awareness around what might be holding you back from achieving your goals.

Sometimes you just need someone to show you that anything is impossible!

If you’re ready to achieve your results and begin to feel better in your body, more empowered to live well for the rest of your life, here’s the first step:

Download the 5 Key Steps to Breaking the Diet Cycle and Feeling Thin in Your Skinworkbook, where you’ll begin to uncover what might be holding you back from losing weight, reaching your goals, or being kinder to yourself.

Here for you every step of the way!

xoxo Donna

P.S. If you’re looking for personalized, one-on-one support, I’d love to chat. Shoot me an email to [email protected], and we’ll see if working together is a fit.

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As a Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach  I work with women in midlife and beyond to help them lose weight for the last time, so they can live with more ease and have way less stress around weight, food, and how they look.


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Through my private coaching program, you’ll learn HOW to stop overeating, by learning how to  manage your emotions and your mind. Then you can begin to make better decisions around food once and for all!

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